Vilderman DDS


The Secret to a Perfect Smile: Invisible Braces

Teeth alignment isn’t just a cosmetic concern; crooked or crowded teeth can make it hard to floss, increasing your risk of interproximal cavities or cavities between your teeth. Orthodontic treatment can help reduce your risk of these cavities, improve your bite, and make it easier to floss. Still, many adults hesitate to straighten their teeth because of the telltale metal braces.

The good news is you don’t have to choose between a mouth of metal and the oral health benefits of a straight smile. Nataly Vilderman, DDS, and our team here in San Francisco, California, offer a more discreet way for adults and teens to straighten their smiles. As a certified Invisalign® provider, Dr. Vilderman provides a way to straighten your teeth without anyone else knowing.

Invisalign Explained: Traditional Braces vs Invisalign

Here’s what you need to know about Invisalign, the most popular clear aligner system. Traditional metal braces shift your teeth using a system of metal brackets and metal wires. While effective, metal braces aren’t without pitfalls. They’re notoriously uncomfortable, contribute to cuts and blisters, and are impossible to hide.

Instead of wires and brackets, Invisalign shifts your teeth using a series of clear aligners. Your trays are customized from a series of 3D scans using an iTero Element® scanner. The trays are made of SmartTrack®, a clear, BPA-free plastic. No one will notice them.

The iTero Element Scanner

Every 1-2 weeks, you change your clear aligners, with each tray gently moving your teeth closer and closer to the ideal location.

Benefits of Invisalign

Discreet Appearance

Discretion is one of the most alluring aspects of Invisalign trays. Because they’re clear, you’re free to give presentations at work, talk to co-workers, or enjoy social activities without feeling self-conscious about metal braces.


Invisalign is much more comfortable than metal braces. Because the trays are smooth, there’s no risk of cuts, lacerations, or mouth sores 一 all associated with metal braces.

No Dietary Restrictions

It’s easy for food to become stuck in metal braces, and some foods are even off-limits, including popcorn, hard nuts, and anything sticky. Although you must wear your Invisalign trays for 20-22 hours each day, you can remove them while eating. That means no dietary restrictions and no threat of food becoming stuck. Once you’ve eaten, simply brush your teeth and replace your trays.

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Dr. Natalie Vilderman, DDS

As a renowned dentist and passionate blogger, Dr. Vilderman finds equal joy in sharing her dental expertise through blogging as she does in her daily practice. With her engaging prose, she effortlessly brings the world of dentistry to life, leaving readers intrigued and informed with every word.

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